“The current disagreements with our partners are not unbridgeable. Our government is eager to rationalize the pension system (for example, by limiting early retirement), proceed with partial privatization of public assets, address the non-performing loans that are clogging the economy’s credit circuits, create a fully independent tax commission, and boost entrepreneurship. The differences that remain concern how we understand the relationships between the various reforms and the macro environment”.
With such conclusion, “A new deal for Greece”, explaining that Greece and its partners “already agree on much. (…) The issue at hand concerns the method”. However, markets rally since Prime Minister Tzipras showed Yanis Varoufakis the door, as described by the Financial Post, the Guardian and The Independent after Bloomberg launched the news.
launchesThe move was taken just after the Varoufakis’ illustration of the “new deal” agenda and the last meeting in Bruxelles ended in acrimony; just when the Greek bailout officially enters the European talks on the crisis. Tsipras’ decision appears as consequent to EU Leaders’ pressure , some say.
Evident misperception of the Greek Government’s position and action is running among European leaders and media, ending in possible distortion of political decisions, Sole 24 Ore reports in this article on the seven false myths on Greece.
Is there a coherent strategy in the tight pressure on Greece by Troika, or are they still stuck to the “austerity trap” as missing alternatives? And for what reasons? Gioele Magaldi, Grandmaster of Grande Oriente Democratico and leader of the Roosvelt Movement, talks about the most advanced experiment of oligarchical capitalism in his recent book “Freemasons. Discovering the UR-Lodges”…
Probably, the answer is not far. Simply, we should answer the question: cui prodest?