Tag: Calls

European Commission open calls for application for Expert selection

Open calls for the following Experts: Call for Applications for the Selection of Members of the Commission Expert Group on Interregional Innovation Investments – DG Regional and Urban Policy Continuously open call for applications for the selection of additional members of the sub-groups under the european sustainable shipping forum – DG Mobility and Transport.

New EU Green Deal and H2020 Energy Efficiency Calls


Development of standards for bio-based and biodegradable plastics in UK

UK government wants to introduce new standards for bio-based and biodegradable plastics. In 2019, it will launch a call for evidence to help with the process, integrating it in its wider strategy for the circular economy. Read the news here.

Europe: Calls

Audiovisual MEDIA 2007 — Development, distribution, promotion and training Support for the transnational distribution of European films. The ‘automatic’ scheme 2013 aims to: encourage and support the wider transnational distribution of recent European films by providing funds to distributors, based upon their performance on the market, for further reinvestment in new non-national European films; encourage …

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