A useful historical compendium of the last two decades is in the article by Peter Koenig on the Information Clearing House website, reminding how the most crucial moves in Middle East, including the last “wars for democracy”, might be strictly related to another war: the one for dollar supremacy in the world. The conclusions are …
Tag: Economy
Jun 18
War for growth
“Lack Of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth”, Tyler Durden reports on Zerohedge, citing an article by the economist Tylor Cowen on New York Times. Economists are not new to such position. Unfortunately, their opinion may rule the world (and seldom it does) with no scientific ground, since they are not considered as scientists …
Jan 25
Italy for sale #4: how to became the owner of the Central bank and earn easy money
Great deals for Italian banks. The privatisation law of Bank of Italy was definitively approved yesterday. It brings huge earnings to the private banks holding the shares of the Central Bank nd the chance to buy new stocks for foreign banks, amongst the protest of minority groups in the Parliament. Notwithstanding the 262/2005 law which …
Jan 22
Europe: Horizon 2020 Calls for SMEs’ Innovation
Boosting the Investment-Readiness of SMEs and Small Midcaps The aim of the call is to facilitate the interaction of potential investors with innovative SMEs and small midcaps participating in FP7 or Horizon 2020, together with preparing firms and entrepreneurs to negotiate more effectively with such investors. In a complementary manner, investors will be trained to better …
Jan 12
Fondo di Garanzia PMI: quadri riassuntivi e nuove disposizioni
E’ stata emanata la Circolare n. 659 del 3 gennaio 2014 con la quale Banca del Mezzogiorno – MedioCredito Centrale, mandataria del RTI gestore, comunica l’aggiornamento dei quadri riassuntivi dell’efficacia contributiva degli interventi del Fondo di Garanzia per le Pmi di cui alla Parte VII delle Disposizioni Operative. La variazione è conseguente all’adeguamento dall’1,56% all’1,53%, …