The EU Anti-Corruption report 2014 has been released today. Many are the bad news for Italy, confirming the reasons of the long and dramatic crisis in this Country are strictly tied to the conditions of its political, social and economic environment. The EC confirms that “despite considerable efforts, corruption remains a serious challenge in Italy” …
Tag: Italy
Jan 25
Italy for sale #4: how to became the owner of the Central bank and earn easy money
Great deals for Italian banks. The privatisation law of Bank of Italy was definitively approved yesterday. It brings huge earnings to the private banks holding the shares of the Central Bank nd the chance to buy new stocks for foreign banks, amongst the protest of minority groups in the Parliament. Notwithstanding the 262/2005 law which …
Dec 07
Fondo di Garanzia PMI: garanzia diretta nella Regione Lazio
E’ stata emanata la Circolare MCC n. 657/2013 con la quale il MedioCredito Centrale – Banca del Mezzogiorno, comunica che è stata pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 285 del 5 dicembre 2012 la delibera della Conferenza Unificata del 7 novembre 2013. Sono pertanto ammissibili alla garanzia diretta, secondo i criteri e le modalità previste dalle …
Dec 07
Fondo di Garanzia PMI: proroga accordo ABI 2012, procedura liquidazione perdite e corretta escussione della garanzia
Con la circolare 655, la Banca del Mezzogiorno – MedioCredito Centrale comunica che il Comitato di Gestione del Fondo di Garanzia ha preso atto dell’accordo sottoscritto il 1° luglio 2013 da ABI e Associazioni di rappresentanza delle imprese denominato “Accordo per il credito 2013” che prevede la proroga al 30 settembre 2013 dei termini delle …
Oct 29
Italy’s world records #5
Last available data from national and international bodies confirm the decline of Italy. GDP dropped at ninth place in the world and an array of negative records are declared by major authorities in these days. Actual jobless people, including those “discouraged” who are not actively looking for jobs, is around 6 million which is double …
Sep 12
ECB: European and Italian economic perspectives
Outlook on Italy worsens, in a general optimistic view on the Euro area, ECB reports, with a cumulative borrowing requirement of €51 billion (3.3% of GDP) in Italy, up from almost €28 billion (1.8% of GDP) in the same period of 2012. The deterioration “highlights the increasing risks surrounding the achievement of the 2013 general …
Jul 01
Rogue States
The so called “Datagate”, recently boosted by a Glenn Greenwald’s investigation published by the Guardian, early June, unveils an uncomfortable truth on the UK-USA espionage over world’s communications, and in particular over ‘allied’ European Countries. Since the first allegations moved to USA Embassy in Bruxelles over phone tapping, computer hacking and bugs at the European Commision’s …