The UCS-USA protests against the recent HONEST Act, which would require that all raw data, models, code, and other materials from scientific studies are made available to the public before a federal agency could use it. It is not a bad idea, in principle. However, there might be negative side-effects. In any case, this will …
Tag: Science
Jan 18
Quake in L’Aquila: science is not being put on trial
Marco Billi, the senior judge in the trial against the scientists who had to manage the seismic risk in L’Aquila, has released today the 950-page explanation for the jail sentences give nto the scientists. It confirms that science was not put on trial and the behaviour of the scientists is actually their fault, as “it …
Oct 24
What science is about
Great concern in the world about the conviction of members from the Italian Committee for High Risks, as in the conclusions of the trial yesterday, in L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy. “Scientist are horrified”, Euronews reports citing The Union of Concerned Scientists (although there is no clue of that in their website.) But the allegations charged to …