Another ingenious idea of the ‘professorial Government’ of Italy: people should work more to raise the GDP! An upcoming cut of bank holidays is said to be the next panacea for the plagues of economy. The debate is on, while public debt signs another unprecedented level (1.933,303 bilions euro), the spread between Bunds and BTPs …
Format: Aside
Jul 17
Decline of the car market
A fall of 1.8 percent year-on-year of cars sold in western Europe in June is expected, economic forecaster IHS Global Insight said on Monday (Reuters). While the market falls, FIAT shrinks. The Italian car-maker is expected to continue the downward trend (-18,1% forecast, 16,5% market loss in the first semester of 2012), while Russian light-vehicle …
Jul 16
IMF contradicts Monti Government
After the declarations of Mr. grilli about the plan for large sales of public assets in Italy, it’s worth to remember what IMF stated just a few days before. IMF’s Debt Sustainability Analysis reports that Italian debt has 5% chances only to be reduced under 105% of GDP, as Grilli said yesterday, while the probabilities …
Jul 16
Italy for sale
Vittorio Grilli, the freshly appointed Minister of Finance of Italian Government, has explained his plan to reduce Italy’s debt, now at 123% of GDP, “by 20% within five years”. This results will be obtained with an optimistic foresight of 1% yearly growth in GDP, although Mr. Grilli told Reuters that Italy’s government will revise down …
Jul 12
Global Market News
Jul 11
€8.1 billion investment in EU research and innovation
The European Commission has today announced the final and biggest ever set of calls for proposals for research under its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). In total €4.8 billion is dedicated to thematic research priorities. Industrial innovation will be supported through close-to-market activities such as piloting, demonstration, standardisation and technology transfer. Special attention will be given …