Format: Aside

RTD calls -Italy

On MIUR’s website, an update to FAQs about the call for Technology National Clusters has been published. Alwas there you can find the new call for Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation, valid for the whole national territory. FAQs have not been released for this call yet.

The same old story

Periodically, obsolete technology come back with its obscure potential on environment and life, with a higher frequency in periods of crisis… so, can it be the case for the revamp of geoengineering? It is the “intentional, large-scale manipulation of the environment (…). Envirnmental change is the goal rather than a side effect. (…) In the …

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Energy innovation call

ENEL, the largest dispatcher and producer of electricity in Italy, launched the ENEL-LAB call with funding for Spanish and Italian innovative energy startups. Dowload the call text.

Other top banks under investigation for LIBOR-EURIBOR rate-rigging

At least four more banks such as HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Société Générale and Crédit Agricole, could be implicated in the scandal of manipulations operated on the primary financial indexes in Europe and the world. Read artciles from Guardian and Sole24ore.

US economic recovery is a dangerous mirage

Unlike the eurozone and the UK, where a double-dip recession is already under way, the US has undergone even more public sector releveraging – effectively stealing growth from the future… Nouriel Roubini, Guardian Business blog


Like in the disastrous sale of public goods in the former Soviet Union and DDR in the early nineties of XX Century, a limited company is in charge of privatise goods and services in Greece, water and energy included. The authors of Debtocracy, a documentary with two million views broadcasted from Japan to Latin America, …

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FP7 calls

Latest FP7 Calls supporting RI in a large number of sectors, have been released: climate change; industrial innovation connected with piloting, demonstration, standardisation and technology transfer; research training and mobility around the European Union and further abroad; sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors; technologies for urban areas and cities; combating the threat of …

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