“Saudi Arabia and Russia could formalize a strategic partnership that would last indefinitely, potentially marking a new era for the oil market…”. Continue reading on oilprice.com. This Alliance Could Mark A New Era For Oil | OilPrice.com This Alliance Could Mark A New Era For Oil | OilPrice.com A formalized oil alliance between OPEC and …
Category: Energy
Oct 03
Vincitori e vinti del Risiko energetico globale
Molte delle recenti e meno recenti crisi geopolitiche traggono origine da fattori energetici, quali l’approvvigionamento, i prezzi, la distribuzione etc. Madalina Sisu Vicari, del Centro di Studi delle Relazioni Internazionali di Liegi ci aggiorna sulla situazione. Madalina Vicari: Regole, Vincitori e Perdenti del Risiko energetico globale La prospettiva del Falco sul mondo di oggi …
Apr 18
Cold fusion: news from US military contractors
Lockheed Martin declares development of a new nuclear fusion reactor “like no other”. The US defense contractor says that the reactor is no bigger than a shipping container, but could power 80,000 homes. The defense company estimates that just 25 pounds of fuel could run the reactor for an entire year, non-stop, and generate a …
Sep 26
More links for newbies
Apr 21
Greece in the arms of Russia and China
Following the “suggestion” from rhe Germany’s finance minister Wolfgang Schauble who said the Greeks are free to pursue deals with Russia and China as they rush to avoid an impending bankruptcy, the Greek Government is to sign an agreement with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, after the many deals China closed in logistics and industry …