A pre-electoral report by Mediobanca Securities forecasted the incredible results of Mr Grillo and Mr Berlusconi in the Italian vote of 24-25 February 2013, and indicated it as the best scenario for financial operators worldwide (read the scoop by Il Sole 24 Ore on 18th February 2013). “Paradoxically, the worst case scenario could actually become …
Category: Finance, Banking, Insurance
Sep 27
Commission proposals for the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020
The European Commission proposes the overall amount for the next seven years: €1,025 billion in commitments (1.05% of the EU GNI) and €972.2 billion (1% of EU GNI) in payments. Horizon 2020’s budget is confirmed at €85 million, and new aid regimes are introduced, like the paneuropean program for infrastructure, transport, energy and ICT ‘Connecting …
Sep 24
Fondo di Garanzia per le PMI: domande a valere sul Fondo di ingegneria finanziaria della Regione Marche
E’ stata emanata la circolare MedioCredito Centrale n. 627 del 21 settembre 2012 (Presentazione delle domande a valere sul Fondo di Ingegneria Finanziaria -Misure a sostegno del rafforzamento dei Confidi di II livello tramite controgaranzia- della Regione Marche), con la quale il gestore, con riferimento agli interventi del Fondo di Ingegneria Finanziaria e, in particolare, …
Sep 14
Germany’s halt to €5tn bank guarantee idea
An ambitious blueprint to guarantee the whole amount of deposits in eurozone banks have been stopped by German objections, Financial Times revealed today. EU officials agreed a eurozone banking union with regulation and control shifted to Brussels, and the guarantee over deposits was intended as a first move in that direction. In the first drafts …
Sep 13
The German Constitutional Court’s “yes-but” answer to the ESM Treaty
The conditional approval of the ESM’s rules by Karlsruhe judges limits the secrecy of bailout agreements, in the name of the citizens’ right to be informed. It comes after 37.000 Germans signed the petitions against unlimited funding to ESM by Germany. The Court’s decision orders the two Chambers of the German Parliament be fully informed …
Sep 12
BBA warned banks on LIBOR-EURIBOR rate-rigging
The British Bankers’ Association (BBA) issued a warning to banks in April 2008 to “submit honest rates” to its Libor setting panel. One email, dated 21 May 2008, appears to show that Angela Knight, the chief executive of the BBA, was aware of the potential for banks to submit rates not reflecting the price at …