Category: Finance, Banking, Insurance

The American disaster and the attempt to sink Western economies

Are the USA dragging Europe into the divisive world of creditors and debtors, and looking for a new “cold war”? This is the summary of the latest Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin n° 84 dealing with such hypothesis. Read more here (Italian) and here (French).

Bank of England undermines the Classic Money Creation Theory

“In exceptional circumstances, when interest rates are at their effective lower bound, money creation and spending in the economy may still be too low to be consistent with the central bank’s monetary policy objectives. One possible response is to undertake a series of asset purchases, or ‘quantitative easing’ (QE)… As a by-product of QE, new …

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Fondo di Garanzia PMI: Nuove disposizioni e portale

E’ in vigore dal 10 marzo 2014 la nuova normativa del Fondo di Garanzia per le PMI, stabilita dal decreto ministeriale 27 dicembre 2013, ed è stata attivata la nuova piattaforma informatica nel sito internet istituzionale Pertanto, le domande presentate al Fondo da tale data sono soggette alle nuove disposizioni integrate dalla Circolare  n. …

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Italy for sale #4: how to became the owner of the Central bank and earn easy money

Great deals for Italian banks. The privatisation law of Bank of Italy was definitively approved yesterday. It brings huge earnings to the private banks holding the shares of the Central Bank nd the chance to buy new stocks for foreign banks, amongst the protest of minority groups in the Parliament. Notwithstanding the 262/2005 law which …

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Europe: Horizon 2020 Calls for SMEs’ Innovation

Boosting the Investment-Readiness of SMEs and Small Midcaps The aim of the call is to facilitate the interaction of potential investors with innovative SMEs and small midcaps participating in FP7 or Horizon 2020, together with preparing firms and entrepreneurs to negotiate more effectively with such investors. In a complementary manner, investors will be trained to better …

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Fondo di Garanzia PMI: attivazione nuova Sezione Speciale a favore di Imprese Femminili

E’ stata emanata la Circolare MCC n. 660/2014  con la quale Banca del Mezzogiorno – MedioCredito Centrale, in qualità di mandataria del RTI gestore, comunica l’attivazione dal 14 gennaio 2014 della “Sezione Speciale  alimentata dai contributi versati dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento per le Pari opportunità  finalizzata agli interventi a favore di …

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Europe: Calls

RTD Calls for proposals and related activities under the 2014-15 work programmes under Horizon 2020 — the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-20) and under the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (2014-18) complementing Horizon 2020. The Commission has adopted by Decisions C(2013) 8563 of 10 December 2013, C(2013) 8631 …

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