Category: Sectors

Italy’s world records

Taxation at 55% of GDP, says Confcommercio in its latest study on the national economy placing Italy on top of the list of Countries by tax rates (if we exclude Kiribati, Timor-Leste…) . Mr. Befera, Director of Agenzia Entrate, replies: “Even more… around 70% in some cases”! Read more…

HSBC to find a settlement

One of the biggest financial scandals (see an old but dedicated database in our Weblist), a criminal probe into laundering of drug-cartel and other money , according to a WSJ note. Again, unsolved questions present their burden on business making and daily life conditions. How regulators perform their tasks, when such enormous mass of money can …

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Capital outflow in Bankitalia report

Non resident investors retired 47,1 billion euro from Italy, while Italian investors sold foreign assets for about 17,6 billion euro, Bank of Italy said in its last report.

Everybody knew: the LIBOR scandal

New York FED knew about possible ‘problems’ of LIBOR fixing process since 2007, as in its answer to Congressional Request for informationon Barclays-LIBOR matter. Just while Mr. B. Benenke says that Libor is ‘structurally flawed’ (LA Times) and the Fed had pushed for reform of the rate setting process in 2008 when it became concerned …

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