Category: Environment

Europe: calls

Innovation and RTD ICT EU-Brazil Coordinated call for small and medium projects in the FP7 Cooperation Programme. Deadline: 12.12.2012. FET Open Xtrack call for Future and emerging technologies in small and medium projects in the FP7 Cooperation Programme. Deadline: 29.01.2013. Environment 2 October 2012 is the final date to submit LIFE+ proposals 2012 to the …

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Increase of land with protected state required in the world

Land and waters protection should raise to 17% and 10% respectively by the end of this decade, according to a report by the United Nations environment programme (Unep) and others, published at the 2012 edition of the World Conservation Congress. An area more than twice the size of Argentina would have to be designated on …

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Arctic ice forecast models

Most computer models of climate change indicate the ice could disappear in summer in 30 to 40 years, said Lars-Otto Reiersen, head of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme. “But there are models that indicate 2015 as an extreme,” he said to Reuters. Suggested by Petrolio.