Category: Science, Technology and RTD
Jul 25
Two alarming ‘innovations’ in the EU Recovery Fund
The recent summit of the EU leaders has introduced two innovations in the Union’s budget policy that are deemed as very dangerous by most observers and by the R&D community. For the first time the research multiannual planning has €13,5 billions lobbed off its budget –or €18,5 if the cut is calculated by adding the …
Jul 24
Funny Pompeo and the former UKUSA empire
Funny from US politicians. It is so amusing to hear the Pompeo’s accusations on Chinese espionage from the words of the Secretary State. USA still are the commander in chief of the (now much waker) UKUSA espionage network, Echelon and its epigons, unveiled in 2001 by the Greenwald/Snowden leaks published by The Guardian. Still now …
Jul 20
Italia venduta a Big Pharma. Lettera della d.ssa Gatti a R.F.Kennedy jr.
Scientificamente significativo anche il post scriptum alla lettera. “Durante il blocco non abbiamo avuto “Sindromi improvvise di morte infantile”. Dopo il blocco, le vaccinazioni pediatriche sono ricominciate e abbiamo avuto un bambino morto a Torino e un altro, di due gemelli, è morto, mentre la femmina è sopravvissuta ma è in terapia d’emergenza.” Intanto il …