Research and technology development are the core object of the OPUSNET Labs, a special Unit where business and research goals are strictly integrated in two-ways flows of innovation. The RTD Team is a network of specialists committed to produce, organize and leverage, the knowledge and expertise of high-calibre scientific, research, and policy talents. Its modus operandi involves flexible expert teams, from diverse scientific origins and compositions of skills and competencies, which are organised and committed according to specific scientific, research, industrial and policy objectives.

The Team generates, collects and transfers continuous innovation with a focus on closing circles development. Its activities concentrates on energy, socio-economics, knowledge and change management, local development in Europe and other Countries.

This agile network structure provides both the ability to conduct high-quality, independent research and the capacity to interact effectively with stakeholders and partners involved in our research activities.

OPUSNET Labs cooperate with leading research and academic institutions, research-oriented corporations and governmental organizations across Europe, Eastern Countries and Americas. The networks specialises in resource management, energy, systems engineering, socio-economics, environment, agro-food technologies, transport, water management, aquaculture and fisheries.

RTD funding is tipically project-driven and composed of research projects supported by international bodies, national and regional governments. This diversification approach is the key principle that ensures scientific and research independence.

The research and innovation outputs generated by the OPUSNET Labs is made available to business and the scientific community for prompt use and further development, with no discrimination of beneficiaries or other access burden.

Please, feel free to contact our RTD Team for further information and inquiries.

Building the Future: the TM Futures Group

Tavolo Majella is implementing its innovation plan for participative studies of the possible and desired futures, delivering forecasts and scenarios on socio-economics, labour, technology and environment systems. The TM Futures Group started up on November 22, 2013 in partnership with CERVAS University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara. A Team of researchers and labour experts work at …

Circular Economy

Future competitiveness and sustainability of industry production systems, of SMEs in particular, depend on how, when and how deeply we change the resource (i.e. natural and artificial materials for industry, including by-products, sub-products, waste, water, etc., and energy, also indicated as ‘inputs’ and ‘outputs’) management model. Sources of minerals and metals, as well as stocks …


The energy sector is living the turmoil of geopolitical conditions, changing levels of production, stock and reservoir of fossil fuels, low refining capacity etc. Its business relies on a centralised model exploiting finite resources with high power density and geographic concentration. Decline of high density energy source availability is mining the ‘central model’, while a …

Mobility and Transport

Different socio-economic trends such as population ageing, urbanisation trends and further integration of markets, challenges from environmental and technological changes are shaping the future of transport in Europe and the entire world. Our research is oriented to identify key trends affecting mobility now and in the future, the mobility needs of current and future travellers, …